What does the New Indian Education Policy 2020 say?

The Indian Government hereby addresses the revolutionary and much needed education system. Many good Steps taken for the betterment:

·         Variation of choosing subjects – Earlier an Indian student had to stick to a subject, and he/she does not have the freedom to study any other subjects apart from the one what he/she has chosen. Upon implementation of the new education policy, one can study multiple subjects with respect to the interest level. For example, if anyone takes science as the mainstream and has interest to study commerce or arts, they have the flexibility to do so.

·         5+3+3+4 Academic Structure – Instead of 10+2 structure, the new education policy introduces 5+3+3+4 academic structure. Now it is more like the education system of western developed countries education system. In 10+2 structure education used to begin at the age of 6. In this new system, it will start from 3 years. Pre school would be from age 3-6 and after that class 1 and class 2. After that there will be preparatory stage for 3 years where the focus will mainly be on playing, discovery and activity-based classroom learning. Class 6-8 would be middle stage where the focus would be on experiential learning which includes sciences, mathematics, arts social sciences and humanities. And the next would be secondary stage which would include classes 9-12 where the focus would be on multi-disciplinary studies. Here students would get more flexibility on choosing the subjects. It has been a long time that any profession that is not from the university side is treated as a low standard job like plumbing, carpentry, barber etc. Now every profession would have equal respect which I think is a big move by the Indian government. These kinds of training are mostly termed as vocational training. This will change the mindset of people and will create a revolution in terms of equality irrespective of professions. There would be a bag less period of 10 days where students do not have to take bags with them to the school. Just they will go and get the experience of vocational training. This change will eventually lead India to a developed country. On top of that, students will get trained in coding and the importance of board examinations would be reduced.

·         Progress Report – Earlier only teachers used to evaluate and give marks to the students. But the new policy would have a different approach all total. Now not only the teachers but the students will also self-evaluate themselves. Also, there will be inter evaluation where students would give ranks to their mates, kind of brain storming session. These multi evaluation will have a positive impact on the betterment of career building of the students. If we look at this part on a broader perspective, after education when one jumps onto a profession, one must do self-evaluation or the job he/she is doing. This new policy will bring that strategy at the school level itself which will help them adopt the practice of self-evaluating. Students would have a knowledge what others think of their performance.

·         6% of GDP on education – Until now, only 3% of the GDP was used for education which is way less than what was required. This new policy will have the allocation of 6% of GDP for the education which is again a great move. Most developed consider education to be a vital part of their economic growth and thus the move from 3 to 6 will have a great impact on the economic growth of India now.

·         Reduce the approach of Memorization – Until now Indian education system focused on memorizing and appearing the exams. This new policy focus on reducing that approach. No doubt there is no many details on that front but I believe that upon implementation this would have a great impact on building the students more with respect to the professional world.

·         Multiple Entry-Exit Program after 12th – Until now there was a single entry after 12th standard. This new policy will have the flexibility of changing the stream in between if not interested in the existing course. Let us say that one has taken science stream and after one year he/she wants to join commerce. Earlier this was not possible which is no more a nightmare now. One can switch the course and take the transfer the credits of old course to the new one. This policy is part of developed countries which now is a part of Indian education system. If you are dropping after one year, you are eligible for certificate, after two years diploma, after 3 years degree and upon completion of 4 years you will get research degree. MA and MSc will be of 1 year if you are completing the bachelor’s degree in 4 years, and 2 years if bachelor’s degree in 3 years. This is again with respect to foreign standards.

·         100 Foreign Institutes in India – 100 foreign institutes have been permitted to start their institutes in India which is again a great move by the Indian government. More foreign institutes will directly or indirectly have an impact on the education system in refining and complying with the international standards. A strategic move towards the development.

·         Overall – Vocational training will be given high priority and by 2025, more than 50% schools and institutions will be under this agenda. A common national professional standard will be set for all the teachers by 2022. BY the year 2030, minimum qualification required to become a teacher would be 4 years integrated BA degree.

My View – A great move by the Indian government in education sector. I hope lot more are there to come which will contribute to the overall development of the country.  

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