Women Empowerment in Indian Army – The Harsh Truth

1975 Gunjan was born in an army family. Her father is a retired Lt Col Anup Saxena. Her brother is also an army personal. She is a graduate from Hansraj College of Delhi, learnt basics of flying and after clearing SSB exams entered Indian Air Force. Alongwith her 24 more women became the first ever batch of female trainee pilot in IAF. Her first posting was in Udhampur. Turning point in her life came in Kargil War. Gunjan Saxena along with 8 more pilots were deployed during the Kargil War. She was offered to quit the mission being a female which she denied and eventually she became a part of Operation Vijay. Initially she was sent for surveillance sorties. She used to conduct surveillance mission at a height of 18000 ft. Later, she participated in lots of other missions like supply mission, relief mission, rescue mission and many more. According to a report Gunjan Saxena and her counterpart Srividya conducted around 80 sorties mission. Down the line when IAF started using fighter planes instead of helicopters, Gunjan Saxena along with Srividya rescued almost 900 soldiers from the war zone either to the hospital or to the army base. All these activities then proved that women too could get involved to serve the country.

Women in International Army

According to a report of National Geography, only 16 countries allow women to participate in combat missions. Norway, Canada, Denmark were the first countries to allow during 1980s. And afterwards, Japan, Germany, China too started involving women into the army missions. USA being the most powerful country in the world allowed women to be a part of the mission in 2016 just 4 years from now although in Airforce and Naval they were permitted previously. The main point of consideration is during world wars, women played a major role. For example, during world war 2, Russia had 3 Combat Regiments of women. But could be considered as exceptional. Possible reasons could be that there were vast shortage of manpower and the governments could have allowed their inclusions.

Why are women not allowed in Indian armed forces?

There are multiple reasons quoted by many army officials, government. Some of them are women could be prisoned by other countries armed forces which could be a valid reason. But some unusual reasons were also there like the women could not be commanding and give sacrifice if they are deployed in the combat positions and acting upon this statement, Supreme Court of India directed to start deployment of women armed forces as well in the combat positions in Indian armed forces.

History of women in Indian Armed Forces

In the year 1992 only, medical rules were allowing women to be a part of the department. After that SSC (short service commission) came into picture according to which in Indian Armed force only women can stay for 10 years which in 2006 changed to 14 years. Because of SSC women empowerment rose in Indian Armed Force and they started getting deployed in combat positions. Problem arose with regards to pension. According to government regulations anyone who serves the Armed Force for 20 years is eligible for pension and the SSC rules prohibits women to serve more than 14 years. In the year 2003 and 2006, petition was filed that women too should get permanent commissions. Delhi high court in 2010 stated that any women not been subjected to permanent commissions should be given on par with men. And eventually in October 2015, Indian Air Force opened the doors for women for their fighter pilot stream. In July 2018, Avani Chaturbedi aged 24 then became the first Indian women to fly a fighter jet solo. The number of female officers is more in Indian Air Force when we compare with the other two armed forces. Indian Army took 9 years to empower the women. In the year 2019, government opened 10 branches in Indian Army for women. But still there are certain rules like the women are not allowed in commanding positions. The Indian Defense Ministry should think hard on this front to give equal rights to women in the armed forces for commanding positions.

Supreme Court Ruling 2020

Honorable SC directs the central government to grant permission to women officers equally with that of men. Women also were given equal rights for the commanding positions and permanent commissions but only in the non-combat field. The court directed this to happen in 3 months but because of

My View – No doubt with times things happen to change but the change is inevitable. I am very much impressed with the decision of honorable Supreme Court. And I hope that not only in army but also in every sectors of the country, women should have equal rights as like men. Just think for a moment that if we cut down half the population of the country and do not allow them to participate, how would the country grow? It is not only the job of any government or Supreme court, but every individual like us should think from a different perspective to empower women. Think different think big and that eventually will help the nation grow.

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